[Front of Marker:]
IN SEARCH OF THE PONY EXPRESSSTATION MARKERDedicated April 23, 1997GILLESPIE'S STOREAdded StationApr 23, 1860 - Sep 8, 1861byDave & Buff FlemingAmerican Honda Motor Co., Inc.Vacaville Chamber of CommercePony Express Trail Association
[A list of donors is on bottom of base.
[Back of marker:]
Gillespie's Store stood at this spot. This was also a Wells, Fargo & Co. Office. E. F. Gillespie was their first agent in Vacaville.
There would only be 2 trips overland by horse to San Francisco from Sacramento in 1860. In 1861, this would be repeated another 18 times. On the first trip the Pony Express rider Sam Hamilton took the Yolo Plank Turnpike across tule swampland, crossed the Putah Creek, and made his first stop for another horse at the Solano House.
His next destination was the halfway house where a red lantern would hang high as a beacon at Silveyville. Then with another relay change he rode off to Vacaville and Gillespie's store. When he arrived here it was around 4:00 A.M. and he left within a few minutes on another fresh horse.
1997 Nardone
[A list of donors is on bottom of base.]
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