Furman Class of '05 September 11 Memorial

Furman Class of '05 September 11 Memorial (HMCH5)

Location: Greenville, SC 29613 Greenville County
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Country: United States of America
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N 34° 55.467', W 82° 26.2'

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Members of the
Class of 2005
In memory of
September 11, 2001
our first day of class

In the early hours the news broke, the truth uncertain, the implications unfathomable
We continued on, not knowing the world was changed forever

Afternoon, our adrenaline slowed to the freezing point
With heavy souls, realizing our world had changed forever

As the days slipped by and the heroes emerged, we grew to realize the triumph born on the day that changed the world forever

Victory is achieved only through struggle, heroes arise only in the midst of trials, experience is of use only it if is learned from
Knowledge is valuable if acted upon

Let's roll Ginny Wing

With orientation just over, I had spent a week being wholly self absorbed, engrossed in making new friends and being away form home. The morning of September 11, 2001, reminded me that there was a bigger world than my manufactured campus. I think it was the first time my generation was ever challenged to look beyond ourselves. Suddenly we had to face the reality of war and we were no longer invincible. It was a sobering beginning to college and it caused me to re-evaluate my views. I cannot say that where I am today connects directly to those events but I can say that 9/11 and its aftermath drew me closer to my family and that the heroism displayed by a variety of "ordinary" individuals challenged me to seek opportunities in my own life to go beyond the easiest route. Eileen Gilbert

Proverbs 17:17: "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." During the tough times and the traumatic events people rose up to the challenge and dared to help one another. We all became "brothers" through one unifying event. Dylan Rebillot

It wasn't something I could really fathom. What did this mean? Was this the beginning of attacks that were going to happen all over the United States? Who did it? Were we going to war? Other than sorrow for the people who died, I didn't know what to think. Greta Thielen

9/11 was tragic, but it connected every single person in this country in a meaningful way. It made us realize that we are vulnerable and that unity is essential to survival. Ryland Gore

I don't know any more today what the future will hold than I did then. Yet somehow I maintain the same calm. Justine Sittema

I remember returning from my first class of the year and getting in instant messenger only to see a message from my sister that said, 'If you haven't seen, turn on your TV right now!" So I went down the hall and two or three girls from my hall were watching the disaster unfold. We all just stared at the TV not knowing what to do or say. This is one day I will always remember. It's like when I asked my parents what they were doing when they found out that Kennedy was assassinated and they responded, with explicit detail, exactly what they were doing. Betsy Fischer

I shall always remember my first day of class at Furman - September 11, 2001. It was not only the beginning of the most important phase of my life thus far, it was the one and only time in my life that I've witnessed people of all races, backgrounds and beliefs come together as one American family. It was the first time that people of this country and institution came together in one accord in memory of those who had lost their lives. Shunta Harmom

We awoke knowing the day would be unique. Maybe even memorable - it was out first day as college students - but the true magnitude of the day remained unthinkable. I remember hearing the news. It seemed to surreal. As I wandered around campus, all TVs were on: students and faculty clamored around. Though I'd never experienced the "average class day," I knew this day was unique. I attended my classes, but no recollections remain. I do, however, remember the weightiness I felt. As with any tragedy, there is great pain, but there is also hope. For the class of 2005, our career began with this tragedy, but after 4 years, we leave Furman stronger and more mature. We can arise courageous and strengthened. Sarah Pannell

September 11, 2001, is the day our world changed forever. Two of the most visible icons of American strength and financial power, the Twin Towers in New York City, were reduced to a pile of rubble and death. The Pentagon, which is the nerve center of our military, was also struck on this tragic day. Americans learned that vast oceans no longer protect us from the dangers of a new era. McKenzie Miller

The present moment is upon us. May you rest in this moment, loving deeply, risking greatly, and living fully. For tomorrow is a gift we have not yet been given. RBP

Through the terrors of these attacks we realized our common bond. For one moment in time there were no whites or African-Americans. There were no Protestants or Catholics. Nobody cared if you were a Democrat or Republican, or even if you were heterosexual or homosexual. What mattered was that we were Americans...and this is the American that I will always love and cherish. Keith B. Johnson

The red, white and blue waved at half-staff by the time I pulled into the parking lot of Duncan Chapel Fire Department to apply for volunteer service. It was not until a few months later, while running my first structure fire, that I understood, and today, I proudly hang my helmet. Matt Malone

It was my first birthday away from home, and I wondered if anyone would know that it was my birthday. Suddenly, the broadcaster came on the radio and announced that the Twin Towers in New York City had been hit by airplanes and had fallen. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All of a sudden, it didn't matter that it was my birthday, nor did it matter that I didn't know very many people here. Everything else was trivial compared to the news on the radio. Joseph Hill

It seemed like I was watching a movie. It was really hard to believe what I was watching on TV was actually happening in real life. Jacqueline Bishop

Our first reaction was sadness. As the sadness wore off, anger took its place. I wondered why I was at Furman. I wondered why I did not go to West Point like my father did so I could fight back against the people that did this. Buckley Warden

It's odd watching old movies now, because in day-to-day life I forget anything happened. But then you see the old New york skyline, and it makes you catch your breath - where there once were people and buildings is not just air. Mandi Carlton

My mom told me that my sister had gone into labor and was in the hospital a couple of blocks from the Pentagon. When I heard that a plane had hit the Pentagon, I was stressed since my family was in the area, and I hoped and hoped that nothing more would happen. But it was so far removed from our current environment. So I was just kind of numb. I started to feel less numb when I heard that my sister had a boy and that they were safe. Hannah Bonner
HM NumberHMCH5
Year Placed2005
Placed ByClass of 2005
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, October 16th, 2014 at 5:58am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 368776 N 3865606
Decimal Degrees34.92445000, -82.43666667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 34° 55.467', W 82° 26.2'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds34° 55' 28.02" N, 82° 26' 12.00" W
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Area Code(s)864
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 3300 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville SC 29613, US
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