Ce monument consacr? ? la m?moire de Nungesser et Coli, h?ros de la guerre 1914-1918, et destin? ? rappeler que leur "Oiseau Blanc" quitta le sol de France, pour la premi?re liaison a?rienne transatlantique, ? ?tretat le 8 mai 1927, a ?t? d?truit en 1942 par l'arm?e allemande d'occupation.
(English translation):
This monument, dedicated to the memory of Nungesser and Coli, heroes of the war of 1914-1918, and intended to recall that their "White Bird" left the soil of France for the first transatlantic aerial crossing at ?tretat on 8 May 1927, was destroyed in 1942 by the German army of occupation.
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