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The Quarry. . This quarry—today filled with water—provided limestone for the Fountain Rock kilns and stone crusher for nearly 80 years. From about 1872 to 1955, stone quarried here was used to fertilize fields and surface roads through…
Arts & Entertainment. . Learn to paint at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center or catch outrageous improve and other stage productions at the Maryland Ensemble Theatre. Dance on your toes at the Cultural Arts Center or ponder the trompe l'o…
Here and There. . For over a century, the "Swinging Bridge," a cast iron suspension bridge with wobbly wood planking, made crossing Carroll Creek a memorable affair. Originally located downstream at Bentz Street, it was reassembled here in 1929 al…
Lloyd Culler shaped the City of Frederick in many ways was a businessman, model citizen, and public servant. His construction firm built homes, schools, and churches that still stand today. He served a total of seven terms as Mayor. In that time, …
Frederick's Boys High School. . On this site Frederick's Boys High School was constructed in 1911-12 as a "public secondary school for boys" (minutes Frederick County Board of School Commissioners). . . The co-educational Frederick High School …
Watercress Farming. . Wilson T. Carmack of Harmony Grove was known as Maryland's largest watercress grower, having his primary ponds at Fountain Rock from approximately 1916 to 1958. With a sole career of watercress farming, he supported a family …
The Frederick Brick Works. The City of Frederick. Frederick Reds, a once-prominent brand of bricks, were manufactured on this site between 1891 and 1946. Bricks were shipped via truck and rail to projects throughout the region. Locally, Frederick …
The Frederick County History Bell. . . [East Panel] . This bell was cast in Frederick on April 1 and 2, 2006, with public participation and great festivity. Frederick County "Honey Bee" participants in grades 3-5 helped cast the bell by passing …
The Free Colored Mens Library. . At This Site - 113 Ice Street The Home of The Rev. Ignatius Snowden The Free Colored Mens Library and its predecessor The Young Men's Colored Reading Club Operated from 1913 Until 1932. These were the li…
Library Campaign Song. (Tune-Battle Hymn of the Republic). We have here in our town a colored library, . Run by those who wish to learn you; what is best to read. . Books of all descriptions you will find upon the shelves; . of the Free Colored…