By 1917, it was obvious the girls needed a larger dormitory than Sunshine Cottage. Acting on faith, Rev. Forrest broke ground for a two-story building for a girl's dormitory. There was no money - not even ten dollars - to begin construction. The next day after the groundbreaking ceremonies, Rev. Forrest left for Los Angeles to preach at a convention. He kept praying to meet a man named Lyman Stewart, the president of the Union Oil Company and the person who had given a great deal of money to start the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.
As only God can do, He allowed Richard Forrest to not only meet Lyman Stewart but to become close friends with him. That same year, Mr. Stewart donated the full amount needed to build Stewart Hall ($4,500). The lumber used for this building was cut and milled on the Toccoa Falls campus. The new building was named the Ella M. Stewart Dormitory in honor of Mr. Stewart's wife. In Achieving the Impossible with God, Dr. Forrest said, "When the girls moved in, they were thrilled. everything was so pretty and clean. There were white beds and bedspreads to match in all the rooms. Many prayers went up to God for his goodness and Mr. Stewart's kindness."
This historical marker is placed in honor of the Centennial Celebration 1907-2007. Donated by Ralph (1974) and Judy (Grover, 1969) Rollins.
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